Recreational Facilities Assistance Program (RFAP)
The WVIC RFAP program is intended to serve as a process through which WVIC can cooperatively participate in the renovation, improvement and development of non-WVIC recreational facilities through financial or in-kind assistance to public recreation site owners.
The yearly application period is from June 1 through September 1. Application materials are sent to all known public recreation site owners/operators within the WVIC reservoir system. See below for a list of all WVIC reservoirs and for the current year application form and letter. If you believe you should be included on the yearly mailing list as an owner/operator of a public recreational amenity on one of WVIC's reservoirs, please notify us at or by calling 715-848-2976.
**Please note: The RFAP program is available only to owners of public recreational facilities that are open to the public without discrimination. Private property owners do not qualify for this program.
For more information please email or call 715-848-2976 x 308.
2023 Application Materials:
2023 RFAP Fillable Application
WVIC Reservoir List
2023 Master Letter