Wisconsin Valley
Improvement Company

Weather Data

Rainfall and Weather Data from the National Weather Service

noaaloop.gif (14636 bytes)

Precipitation Map For Last 24 Hours


Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 1 Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 2
Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 3 Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 4-5
6-10 Day Precipitation Forecast 30-Day Temp. and Precip. Outlook
Experimental Rainfall Forecast
for the Next 3 Hours
Experimental Lightning Forecast
for the Next 3 Hours
5-Day Wisconsin State Forecast Current Conditions Across Wisconsin
Current Watches and Warnings What are GMT, UCT and Z?
Hint: Many graphics, including the 3-hour forecasts, Watches and Warnings, and radar images are updated very frequently. Your web browser program may "cache" or store an older image and continue to display it even though a new image is available. To be sure you are seeing the latest image, press the "Refresh" or "Reload" button. This will force your browser program to load the latest image.

Doppler Radar Images from the National Weather Service

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Green Bay, WI

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Milwaukee, WI  
LaCrosse, WI  
Mpls-St. Paul, MN  
Duluth, MN  
Marquette, MI